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Using git-subtree: Example adding Symfony2 bundle on cloudControl

Toni Uebernickel

If you don’t have, imagine:

  • You have got two applications built on Symfony2.
  • Both of those applications are deployed on cloudControl.
  • Both applications share one or more bundles you have written.
  • All repositories are closed-source (Yes, those exist!).

The Setup

  • We got our first application on the remote repository git@git.localdomain:application-a.git.
  • We have another application on the remote repository git@git.localdomain:application-b.git.
  • We have the shared bundle on the remote repository git@git.localdomain:shared-bundle.git.
  • The shared bundle will be put on the src/Acme/SharedBundle/ directory.

As you can see, if you add the shared bundle to both repositories as git submodule a deploy on cloudControl would fail, as the deploying server cannot access the remote of the submodule. That’s why you could make use of git-subtree to share the code on both repositories and thus having it accessible on cloudControl.

Add the shared bundle

We will add the shared bundle on the first application application-a as a subtree. There are only four steps required to make it work.

Configure the remote

The first step is registering the remote of the shared bundle on the repository of application-a. This is done by issuing git remote add -f shared-bundle git@git.localdomain:shared-bundle.git.

The command will add a new remote (like origin or upstream) with the name shared-bundle and the given repository. The -f option tells git to do a fetch right away, so the local repository is up-to-date.

Merge the bundle

Now that git knows about the remote and therefore all of its content we proceed by actually applying the code, by using git merge -s ours --no-commit shared-bundle/master.

This tells git to merge the branch master of the shared-bundle into the application-a. The merge strategy in use ours ensures no files will be actually added now. The --no-commit option stops right before the merge commit would be created.

Now that the commits of the shared-bundle/master are available, we are good to read the tree of the branch into the tree of application-a. This is done by issuing git read-tree --prefix=src/Acme/SharedBundle/ -u shared-bundle/master. Now the tree of the shared bundle is available in the index of application-a. It appears as a branch that has no parent in the current tree, which is correct.

The last required step is the actual commit of the staging area (the subtree): git commit.

Updating the bundle

After changing the shared-bundle you only need to issue git pull -s subtree shared-bundle master. This will apply the changes and a merge commit will be created. If you don’t want an automatically created merge commit, add the --no-commit option again.


Let’s take a look at the history of this subtree merge on application-a.

*   66815de - (HEAD, master) Merge branch 'master' of git@git.localdomain:shared-bundle.git into master
| * 25f6757 - (shared-bundle/master) add empty README
* |   bcd30d9 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'shared-bundle/master' into master
|\ \  
| |/  
| * 6dee0ac - add empty SharedBundle
* 938473b - a commit before adding the subtree

As you can see, the tree of 6dee0ac (the first commit in shared-bundle/master) has no parent in the application-a tree 938473b. bcd30d9 is the result of the git commit after git read-tree which merged both trees (6dee0ac under the prefix directory and 938473b). 25f6757 is a commit in shared-bundle/master which is merged by the 66815de commit using git pull.

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Written by

Toni Uebernickel

Software Engineer and Architect, Symfony evangelist with some Ducati bikes.

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